The International Union of Architects, in collaboration with UN-Habitat, has announced the launch of the second cycle of the UIA 2030 Award. This biennial award promotes the work of architects contributing to the delivery of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development together with the New Urban Agenda.
The first cycle of the award gathered 125 projects from 40 countries and the final results were announced on 28 June 2022 in Katowice, Poland, during the World Urban Forum (WUF11).
Synchronised with the World Urban Forum (WUF), the award invites all architects around the world to submit entries for built projects that demonstrate design quality and have made significant contributions towards achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The award will be run in two stages.
Stage 1 submissions will be assessed on a regional basis, reflecting each of the five UIA Regions. Between one and three Regional Finalists in each Award Category will go to Stage 2. The location of the project will determine the region in which it is to be assessed.
The selection of built projects from across the globe, which demonstrate design quality and have made significant contributions to the SDGs, will fall under six new categories:
1. Good health and well-being: This category will recognise a project which can demonstrate having significantly contributed to the promotion of healthy lives and well-being, such as a reduction in communicable diseases, consistent with the principles underpinning Target 3.3 of SDG 3.
2. Adequate, safe and affordable housing: This category will recognise a project which has significantly contributed to the provision of accessible, adequate, safe and affordable housing, urban regeneration and/or slum upgrading consistent with the principles underpinning Target 11.1 of SDG11.
3. Access to safe, accessible, and sustainable public transport: This category will recognise a project which, by virtue of siting, design, density etc, has significantly contributed to the provision of safe, accessible, and sustainable public transport (such as Transport Oriented Development and/or neighbourhood planning), consistent with the principles underpinning Target 11.2.1 of SDG11.
4. Access to green and public spaces: This category will recognise a project which has significantly contributed to the provision of access to safe, inclusive and accessible green and public space for all, consistent with the principles underpinning Target 11.7 of SDG11.
5. Adaptation to climate change and resilience to disasters: This category will recognise a project which can demonstrate having significantly contributed to adaption to climate change and/or resilience to disasters, consistent with the principles underpinning Target 11.b of SDG11.
6. Promotion, restoration and sustainable use of ecosystems: This category will recognise a project which, either through its siting, design or construction, significantly contributes to the promotion, restoration and/or sustainable use of ecosystems consistent with the principles underpinning SDG15.
• Mr. Peter Oborn (UK), Architect, London – Jury Chair, UIA 2030 Award Co-Chair – UIA Representative
• Mr. Andrew Rudd (USA), Human Settlements Officer, Global Solutions Division – UN-Habitat Representative
• Ms. Tina Saaby (Denmark), Director, The Danish Town Planning Institute, Copenhagen
• Ms. Violeta Komitova (Bulgaria), City Architect and Member of the Parliament of Bulgaria, Sofia
• Dr. Anna Rubbo (USA), Senior Scholar, Centre for Sustainable Urban Development, The Climate School, Columbia University, New York
• Mr. Rob Adams (Australia), Director of City Design, City of Melbourne
• Ms. Nadia Tromp (South Africa), Founder, Ntsika Architects, Johannesburg
• Mr. Hoàng Thúc Hào (Vietnam), Vice President, Vietnam Association of Architects, Founder of 1+1>2 Architects, Winner of the 2023 UIA Robert Matthew Prize and 2017 UIA Vassilis Sgoutas Prize – Alternate juror
• Mr. Ishtiaque Zahir Titas (Bangladesh), UIA 2030 Award Co-Chair, SDG Expert– Alternate juror
• Ms. Iman Gawad (Egypt), SDG Expert – Observer (non-voting) technical committee member
• Launch: 8 January 2024
• Deadline for questions: 5 February 2024
• Deadline for submission of Stage 1 entries: 12 April 2024
• Deadline for submission of Stage 2 entries: 23 August 2024
• Results announcement: 4-8 November 2024, during the World Urban Forum (WUF12) in Cairo, Egypt
Participation is open to all architects in the world and submissions must be written in English.
Submissions must be sent through the UIA online platform.
To read the complete regulations of the Award, click here.
If you have any questions, please contact the UIA Secretariat.